First Week Back Wrap

September 7, 2008

  1. After some initial apprehension while working at the Rec Center, I feel that everything will be alright in the end.
  2. Working at the Rec Center gives me a sense of goodness that cannot be described. It is as if working there makes me feel good.
  3. I am somewhat imcompetent in answering questions but I will get better.
  4. Nolan’s is very overrated.
  5. I am hoarding my dining dollars in fear I will go hungry in November.
  6. Chinese professor is somewhat scary.
  7. Chinese has gotten a lot harder after not learning it for a couple years.
  8. Living in McCoy isn’t that bad in the end.
  9. I get lost in Charles Commons.
  10. My classes are still moving around and getting adjusted. 
  11. I haven’t gotten hit hard by everything at once yet. Bracing for impact.
  12. I love and continue to get free stuff, including three shirts today.
  13. Free food events are necessary to keep #5 going.
  14. I have to stop playing Mario Kart.
  15. People who want “rare” music in DC++ can get it off me. My nickname is J.P. Howell for now.
  16. I am playing StarCraft more now and it seems timeless.
  17. Omega-3 fish oil promotes heart health.
  18. I haven’t gone to the library yet.
  19. Why do the Tampa Bay Rays suck so much as of late?
  20. Troy Percival has to go.
  21. I am expecting more suprises this year.