Blog Action Day

October 15, 2009

It’s a rainy day in the 40s here in Baltimore, rather unseasonable for this time of the year. Could this early Noreaster be a product of funky weather patterns? Could be.

Global environmental change has been a big issue since modern industrialization. For years the environment was neglected, until certain health effects became evident. Al Gore can credited with bringing the issue to the forefront with his documentary, though progress has been slow. Things are starting to pick up now in the front of global environmental change.

Here at Johns Hopkins, a new major was even created, Global Environmental Change and Sustainability. (I entertained the thought of double-majoring but I realized I could not pull it off). With the number of students gaining human capital about this issue, we are taking the first step towards resolving it. It is possible that too much damage has been done already, but the effort to fix the damages is full-fledged.